An ethical business behavior of all who form part of our company is essential for Empresas Lipigas. On that principle we have won the trust of our customers, collaborators, business partners and suppliers.

Compliance Area

In 2018, our Compliance area was created with the function:

  • Lead the activities to create and strengthen the ethical culture of the Company.
  • Detect and manage risks for breach of legal and regulatory obligations and establish appropriate procedures. (especially Modelo de Prevención de Delitos – Ley N° 20.393 of Chile: MORE HERE).

Compliance Officer: Ximena Raby, Attorney at Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Ethical Culture

Our commitment is to manage our Company in an honest and transparent manner, educating and training employees to have a culture in which all their decisions have an ethical and professional seal. This, through compliance with the legislation of each country in which we operate and promoting compliance with our internal policies, procedures and guidelines of conduct.